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Article: Are Salon Pedicures Really Safe?

Are Salon Pedicures Really Safe?

Are Salon Pedicures Really Safe?

Who doesn't love a pedicure!?!

Is there anything better than going to the salon to get pampered and leaving with soft, smooth, beautiful feet? But something to consider before you book your next pedicure is that there can be risks involved.

Pedicure Health Risks

Nail salons are often aggressive on those calloused feet. Not only is this treatment not ideal for foot care, but it can also lead to health risks including open wounds and exposure to dangerous bacteria.

Salons should be gentle on your calloused feet, avoiding that cheese-grater treatment, which removes protective barriers your feet need and can lead to infections.

In addition, salons should also be sanitizing instruments, cleansing the soaking bowl after each pedicure, and avoiding jet use, as germs can be harbored in jets.

But are they?

Pedicure Safety Tips

So how do you know if your nail salon is taking these protective measures and using these best foot care practices?

You could ask if these safety procedures are being followed or request that they are done before your pedicure. But still, it's hard to know for sure if the salon you choose is risk-free.

Are they using the most effective cleaning products? How often do they deep clean? What infections might the person before me have transferred to the soaking bowl?

What methods do they use to get my skin smooth and soft? Will they damage the important skin on my feet leading to long-term problems?

Safe Solution to Heal Callused Feet

Safe Solution to Heal Callused Feet

What if I told you there was a way to be sure your feet were in safe hands while providing you with an even better pedicure experience?

The answer is to treat yourself to an at-home pedicure using Roots and Bloom Foot Therapy products. These products are meant to treat your feet in a safe and healthy way.

Even better, while nail salons may leave your feet soft and smooth for a few weeks, the Roots & Bloom Foot Care line is designed to give you long-term lasting results. Your feet will be even softer and smoother than you thought possible.

Find out how to give yourself the best pedicure you’ll ever have—done by yourself and in the comfort of your own home!

 At-Home Pedicure with Roots & Bloom2

At-Home Pedicure with Roots & Bloom

Follow these steps to give yourself the ultimate pampering at-home pedicure using Roots & Bloom footcare products. This is the perfect home remedy to heal callused feet!

Step One

First, use Roots and Bloom’s Ultra Hydrating Oil to gently soften your calluses so you can safely buff them down with a pumice stone.

Step Two

Next, use our concentrated nutrient-dense Roots & Bloom Butter Cream or the R&B Hydrating Oil to get those feet perfectly hydrated.

Step Three

Another option is to try our very gentle peel solution R&B Multi-Acid to loosen and soften that dry hardened skin, making it easy to gently remove with a pumice stone.

Follow this up with the R&B’s Resurfacing Toner Pads, which will help promote the continual sloughing and renewal of the important skin on the soles of your feet.

 Roots and Bloom

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