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Article: Understanding foot health: Problems and foot care

Understanding foot health: Problems and foot care

Understanding foot health: Problems and foot care

Foot health is essential and determines overall body health. Taking care of your feet and following a proper foot care routine is important to avoid foot problems. Many factors can increase the rate of foot diseases. It's essential to select appropriate footwear, follow best practices, and exercise daily. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of foot health, sharing various foot problems and factors beyond them. Moreover, it will include the best foot care practices and exercises to maintain hygiene and foot health.

Common foot problems

Following are the most prominent foot problems that are faced by a lot of people. 

  • Blisters

  • Blisters may form on the feet due to a mixture of pressure and friction. These look like a small Pocket of fluid in the feet zone. 

  • Corns and Calluses

  • Corns are smaller than the calluses and usually more profound, with a hard centre. In my surroundings, there's swallowed skin. Whenever it's pressed, it can also cause pain.

    Calluses are the thickened and hardened skin parts. These usually result in pressure, friction and irritation. 

  • Bunions

  • It's also called hallux valgus. It's a deformity in which the big toe bends towards the other toes, causing pain and redness in the joints. 

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • It makes the heels and bottoms of the feet painful. Actually, this disorder is due to the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue that supports the arch of the feet. 

  • Heel Spurs

  • Due to the calcium deposits, bony growth appears on the feet. 

  • Feet Toenails

  • It's a painful condition in which the nail grows into the sides of the nail bed. 

  • Athlete's Foot

  • It's a skin infection that is caused by a type of fungus. It can affect any foot part and especially grows in between the toes. 

  • Toenail Fungus

  • This fungus causes the discolouration of the nail to white or yellow patches, affecting fingernails and their thickness. 

  • Flat Feet

  • It's a foot condition with the fallen arches. In this condition, the foot arches collapse. 

  • Hammertoes

  • The deformity of the ligaments and muscles on the interphalangeal joint of the toe bends it into a hammer-like shape. 

    Factors that affect foot health

    Following are the factors that are affecting the foot health;

  • Age

  • As we grow and start aging, different health concerns start to arise. The skin begins to lose its elasticity and become thin with time. Feet become more dry and fragile as age increases. That's why it's important to pay attention to your skin, especially your feet. 

  • Genetics

  • Genetics also plays an important role in foot shape, function, health, and structure. Some people are genetically inclined to have flat feet. These flat feet can encourage foot problems such as plantar fasciitis and increase pain, etc. 

  • Obesity

  • Being overweight causes your feet to bear a lot of weight. It also increases the pressure on your limbs, ankles, and feet. Obesity also increases the chances of skin problems, disease, and foot pain. 

  • Footwear Choices

  • Foot health can also be maintained by choosing the right footwear. Proper footwear is helpful in preventing discomfort and various skin issues, such as bunions, hammertoes, and blisters. If you wear improperly fitted footwear, it can increase the chances of foot disease.

  • Physical Activity Level

  • Physical activities are essential to keeping your organs and body healthy. Just like other body parts, your feet require healthy blood circulation. Physical activities and exercises keep the blood flow healthy and promote blood circulation, which is beneficial for foot health. 

  • Occupation

  • Occupations that require sitting for hours can cause foot problems such as poor circulation, blood clot formation, and weakened calf muscles. Besides this, professions in which improper footwear is necessary, such as high heels, can cause foot injuries. 

  • Hygiene Practices

  • Wash your feet daily. Keep them dry and moisturized. It can keep your feet healthy. 

  • Chronic Conditions

  • In chronic conditions, e.g., Diabetes and Arthritis, foot injuries don't heal quickly, which can affect foot health. 

  • Environmental Factors

  • Many environmental factors also contribute to maintaining feet' health, such as Terrain, Weather, temperature, pressure, and humidity. 

    Best practices for foot care

    The best practices for healthy feet are included; 

  • Regular Cleaning and Drying

  • Regular foot cleaning and drying can keep your feet away from different infections and odors. It also stops the accumulation of dead skin on your feet. Besides this, it also prevents toenail fungus and athlete's foot. 

  • Proper Toenail Trimming

  • Proper toenail cleaning is essential because it can increase the chances of getting fungal and bacterial infections. You have to choose the right tools and trim them straight across. 

  • Moisturizing

  • It's the most essential skincare routine. It also helps in filling the cracked skin. The dryness increases the chances of getting infections. 

  • Wearing Properly Fitting Shoes

  • Wearing properly fitted and comfortable footwear is essential to keep a healthy foot posture and support your feet. 

  • Using Orthotics if Necessary

  • These orthotics are doctor-designed alignments to keep, prevent, or roll abnormal feet. They will help reduce pain, discomfort, and calluses. 

  • Regular Checkups with a Podiatrist

  • Regular checkups with a podiatrist can help you better care for your feet and treat any foot disease in its early stages. 

  • Treating Minor Issues Promptly

  • Rest your feet, do foot stretches, and take painkillers. Consult with a physician about the appearance of any smaller foot issues. 

  • Avoiding Walking Barefoot in Public Areas

  • Don't walk barefoot publicly. It's unhygienic and can cause injuries and infections as well. 

  • Using Antifungal Powders or Sprays

  • To avoid infectious particles from the feet, use antifungal sprays or powders on your feet. 

  • Practicing Good Hygiene

  • Practice the entire health care routine, wash your feet, and maintain hygiene.

    Different types of footwear and their impact on foot health

    Let's explore different footwear and their effects on feet.

  • Sneakers/Athletic Shoes

  • These shoes should be worn in moderation. Continuous wear can lead to poor foot posture. 

  • Sandals/Flip-Flops

  • Continuously wearing these footwear can increase the chances of foot fungus, blisters, plantar fasciitis, pain, and swelling. Moderation is the key to avoiding these problems. 

  • High Heels

  • It oddly distributes the body weight to the lower back, ankles, and feet. It also promotes bunions, ingrown toenails, and hammertoes.

  • Boots

  • It can put extra pressure on the feet and cause pain if you use it for the long term. 

  • Orthopedic Shoes

  • These are good as they cushion your heels. It is also helpful to align your feet. 

  • Barefoot/Minimalist Shoes

  • This helps strengthen your foot muscles, ligaments and tendons. 

  • Dress Shoes

  • Long-term use can increase the pressure on your feet. These dress shoes usually include high heels or narrow forefoots, which increases the chances of foot disease. 

  • Casual Shoes

  • These are providing little or no Arch support. These are not shock-absorbing. 

  • Slippers

  • It increases the chances of foot odor and can cause foot infections and other disorders. 

  • Custom-Made Shoes

  • Custom-made shoes are the best option for providing the best support to each part of the feet. 

    Exercises and stretches for foot health

    Exercise is good for maintaining foot health. Following are the exercises and stretches that are helpful for foot health; 

  • Toe Stretch

  • It helps to keep feet flexible. Sit down with flat feet. Raise your toes. Hold them relaxed and lower them down. 

  • Calf Stretch

  • This stretching is helpful for maintaining foot health and reducing the chances of calf muscle damage during walking and standing. 

  • Ankle Circles

  • It improves the ankle's range of motion over time. This helps improve mobility and performance. 

  • Marble Pickup

  • Place marbles on the floor and pick them all up Using your feet. This will strengthen your intrinsic foot muscles.

  • Towel Scrunches

  • This exercise ensures that your feet remain supportive, strong and resilient.

  • Heel Raises

  • It strengthens the ankles and calves and reduces injuries. 

  • Arch Lifts

  • It helps in different foot conditions, such as plantar fasciitis. It makes the intrinsic muscles strong. 

  • Toe Taps

  • These are helpful in weight handling, improving and maintaining speeds and foot balance. 

  • Plantar Fascia Stretch

  • It supports the foot muscles and reduces stress and foot inflammation. 

    Wrapping up

    Foot health is important, and you must take care of it by following proper foot care activities. Improper foot care routines can increase foot problems. To avoid these problems, do exercises regularly. Choose the right and comfortable footwear. Follow the above guide to properly look after your feet. 

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