Why it's Important to Love Your Feet Like Your Face
When you hear talk of improving your skincare or tips for a great skincare routine, most of the time the discussion is surrounding your face. Your face plays an important role in your day-to-day life — you present emotion and communicate with your facial features, after all, not your elbows.
However, while your feet can’t talk, they tell your story too, and they’re just as important to your day-to-day function as the rest of your body. Hello — you wouldn’t be able to get where you physically are without your feet to take you there!
3 Ways to Care for your Feet
While your face might be what you present to others, your feet deserve a skincare routine all their own, for no reason other than because they work hard and they deserve love, too.
Don’t treat your foot care routine as an afterthought — here are several ways you can learn to start loving your feet like your face:
Wear comfortable, supportive shoes. Gone are the days of breaking in a new pair of sneakers for a new school year — you’re an adult now and you can afford to treat your shoes to better fit your feet rather than forcing your feet to fit the shoes. Try wearing thick socks with your new shoes around the house for a few days to break them in, or look up some shoe stretch sprays and liquids to try.
Pamper your feet regularly. Whether it’s a day free of shoes or a trip to the spa, your feet deserve a regular routine of care and devotion. For days you want to stay in, but still give your feet a treat, try our Foot Therapy Trio, a set of our three power products: Multi-Acid Exfoliating Treatment Pads, BHA Resurfacing Toner Pads, and our nutrient-dense Ultra Hydration Oil.
Attend to issue sooner rather than later. Feel a bump coming on? Stub your little toe on a doorframe? Have a hang nail? Give your feet the respect they deserve by getting issues taken care of sooner rather than later. Have a podiatrist take a look at your feet regularly to stay on top of any issues that might be forming. There is nothing worse than walking around with a sore toe.
Developing Your Foot Care Regimen
Rather than dealing with dry skin or issues with the skin on your foot as it comes up, establish a routine to love your feet like your face with more regularity. We suggest using our three-step foot care regimen to stop dry, cracked heels in their tracks.
The best foot care regimen to care for your feet:
Exfoliate with our Multi-Acid Exfoliating Treatment Pads
Polish using our BHA Resurfacing Toner Pads
Hydrate with our Ultra Hydration Oil (change things up by alternating between our BHA Resurfacing Toner Pads and this Ultra Hydration Oil on every other day!)
BONUS: Repair extremely dry and cracked skin with our B3 Repair Serum
Interested in giving our 3-step foot care regimen a try? Now is the perfect time to practice some self-care! Check out the amazing offer we have for February below.
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